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En honor a la verdad
En honor a la verdad

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En honor a la verdad

Vendido por Sanborns

SKU 4801467


EAN 9786073810449

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Martha Alicia Chávez give us the best method to recognize truth as a fundamental part in our maturation process and personal growth. In Honor of Truth is a book about authenticity, congruency and the healing power of truth. In this pages the author shows us different ways to deceiving ourselves, when we talk about our children, our romantic relationships, our money and other social situations. It's clear, self-deception sickens and truth heals and liberates. Recognizing that we all deceive ourselves in many ways is not a reason to feel guilty or ashamed. However, it's necessary to acknowledge this situation in order to embrace the truth that will let us live in peace with ourselves. Martha Alicia Chávez, successful author of Your Child, Your Mirror, Todo pasa... y esto también pasará and Te voy a contar una historia , give us the best methodto recognize truth as a fundamental part in our maturation process and personal growth in every aspect of our lives, and help us to avoid the self-deception that can be hidden behind our most admirable intentions.
  • isbn9786073810449
  • no de páginas0
  • sinopsisMartha Alicia Chávez give us the best method to recognize truth as a fundamental part in our maturation process and personal growth. In Honor of Truth is a book about authenticity, congruency and the healing power of truth. In this pages the author shows us different ways to deceiving ourselves, when we talk about our children, our romantic relationships, our money and other social situations. It's clear, self-deception sickens and truth heals and liberates. Recognizing that we all deceive ourselves in many ways is not a reason to feel guilty or ashamed. However, it's necessary to acknowledge this situation in order to embrace the truth that will let us live in peace with ourselves. Martha Alicia Chávez, successful author of Your Child, Your Mirror, Todo pasa... y esto también pasará and Te voy a contar una historia , give us the best methodto recognize truth as a fundamental part in our maturation process and personal growth in every aspect of our lives, and help us to avoid the self-deception that can be hidden behind our most admirable intentions.
  • tipo libroAudioLibro
  • año2021
  • idiomaSPA
  • formatoAA
  • tipo contenidoAUDIO
  • formato digitalAUDIO

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