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The A-Z of Limericks
The A-Z of Limericks

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The A-Z of Limericks

Vendido por Sanborns

SKU 8970718

Marca PDG

EAN 9781628577419

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The A-Z of Limericks is a whimsical collection of 501 individual five-line rhymes composed by first-time author Trevor P. Morley. Taking his inspiration from a style of limerick that was originally regarded as somewhat vulgar when Edward Lear first popularized it in the late 19th century, Morley’s aim is to tickle his reader’s fancy with a decidedly cleaner style of wit. While the 501 jest-filled rhymes in this book are untitled, each contains a person’s first name and has its own subject. The rhymes are constructed in a traditional AABBA rhyme scheme, with the B lines being shorter than the A lines. The A-Z of Limericks is the perfect book to pick up and peruse for a delightful afternoon of literary amusement.
  • año2014
  • formato
  • formato digital
  • género literario
  • idiomaeng
  • isbn9781628577419
  • no de páginas0
  • sinopsisThe A-Z of Limericks is a whimsical collection of 501 individual five-line rhymes composed by first-time author Trevor P. Morley. Taking his inspiration from a style of limerick that was originally regarded as somewhat vulgar when Edward Lear first popularized it in the late 19th century, Morley’s aim is to tickle his reader’s fancy with a decidedly cleaner style of wit. While the 501 jest-filled rhymes in this book are untitled, each contains a person’s first name and has its own subject. The rhymes are constructed in a traditional AABBA rhyme scheme, with the B lines being shorter than the A lines. The A-Z of Limericks is the perfect book to pick up and peruse for a delightful afternoon of literary amusement.
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