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Trickster Tales and the Legend of the Flute
Trickster Tales and the Legend of the Flute

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Trickster Tales and the Legend of the Flute

Vendido por Sanborns

SKU 8964762

Marca PDG

EAN 9781608602360

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The 10 tales presented here have been chosen for their beautiful spiritual allegories regarding both life here on earth and the hereafter. Coyote is the anti-hero similar to Aesop’s animal characters. His world is the animal world. Unlike the Mediterranean and Middle East anti-hero, Nasredin Hoga is a human who starts off as a boy simpleton and grows into a wise old man. Finally, the tales help youngsters understand a vastly different culture, while enriching the soul with ideas of the spiritual.
  • año2014
  • formato
  • formato digital
  • género literario
  • idiomaeng
  • isbn9781608602360
  • no de páginas82
  • sinopsisThe 10 tales presented here have been chosen for their beautiful spiritual allegories regarding both life here on earth and the hereafter. Coyote is the anti-hero similar to Aesop’s animal characters. His world is the animal world. Unlike the Mediterranean and Middle East anti-hero, Nasredin Hoga is a human who starts off as a boy simpleton and grows into a wise old man. Finally, the tales help youngsters understand a vastly different culture, while enriching the soul with ideas of the spiritual.
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