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A Brief History of Bogotá
A Brief History of Bogotá

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A Brief History of Bogotá


SKU 8734297

EAN 9789584280305

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A book with the most accurate information about Colombian capital history. It describes social and economic transformation that Bogota has experienced since its foundation, by three different conquerors, in the 16th century until now where became one of the largest and richest metropolises in Latin America.
  • año2019
  • formato
  • formato digital
  • género literario
  • idiomaeng
  • isbn9789584280305
  • no de páginas0
  • sinopsisA book with the most accurate information about Colombian capital history. It describes social and economic transformation that Bogota has experienced since its foundation, by three different conquerors, in the 16th century until now where became one of the largest and richest metropolises in Latin America.
  • tipo contenido
  • tipo libroElectrónico

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