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Sensitive matter (cruel accounts)

Vendido por Sanborns

SKU 8683595


EAN 9788412197402

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This is a fiction book. But the stories that form it, born from concrete experiences of the author, reflect real life situations about children around the world, in literary clothing. Fortunately, the situations reflected in the stories in this book are not the whole truth. Thousands, many thousands of people around the world dedicate their energies so that one day all of this becomes just fiction.
  • isbn9788412197402
  • no de páginas0
  • sinopsisThis is a fiction book. But the stories that form it, born from concrete experiences of the author, reflect real life situations about children around the world, in literary clothing. Fortunately, the situations reflected in the stories in this book are not the whole truth. Thousands, many thousands of people around the world dedicate their energies so that one day all of this becomes just fiction.
  • tipo libroElectrónico

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